Graduate Women International Girls in ICT Day – 25. april, mednarodni dan deklet v IKT

International Girls in ICT Day 2024

Letos je obeležitev tega dne na Filipinih, pod pokroviteljstvom Oddelka IKT. Cilji:

  • spodbujati dekleta in mladenke za izobraževanje v STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).
  • spodbujati dekleta in mladenke za kariero v STEM, tudi za vodstvene položaje.
  • vključiti skupnosti in spodbujati dekleta za IKT.

In 2024, International Girls in ICT Day will be celebrated on 25 April. This year the global ITU celebration will be held in the Philippines and kindly hosted by the Department of Information and Communications Technology

Our Goals

Encourage girls and young women to pursue STEM education

Inspire girls and young women to work in STEM careers

Engage the community and promote collaboration through partnerships

 “Not Just Ticking Boxes”

Fundacija Anna Lindh pričenja kampanjo “Not Just Ticking Boxes”, s katero se zavzema za ženske in izpodbija površinske zgodbe.

Fundacija Anna Lindh (ALF) ob mednarodnem dnevu žensk s ponosom napoveduje začetek nove kampanje “Not Just Ticking Boxes”, ki je odgovor na skupno zahtevo fundacije po globlji in pristnejši vrsti opolnomočenja žensk. Gre za to, da presežemo površinske razprave in se dotaknemo bistva tega, kaj pomeni opolnomočenje žensk.

Glavni cilj kampanje je izpodbijati površinske zgodbe, ki pogosto spremljajo razprave o ženskih vprašanjih, zlasti ob priložnostih, kot je mednarodni dan žensk.

“Not Just Ticking Boxes” osvetljuje, da opolnomočenje in vključevanje nista le besedi, ki se pojavljata na srečanjih, ali simbolične geste, temveč zahtevata konkretna in smiselna dejanja, ki prinašajo resnične spremembe. To vključuje zagotavljanje resnične enakosti v organizacijah in ustvarjanje okolja, v katerem so ženske fizično prisotne enako kot njihovi moški kolegi. Gre za prilagajanje posebnim potrebam zaposlenih mater, kot je zagotavljanje potrebnih prostorov za varstvo otrok, in zagotavljanje, da se glas vseh, ne glede na spol, sliši in enako ceni.

Spremljajte kampanjo #NotJustTickingBoxes na družbenih omrežjih Facebook, Instagram, saj se zavzemamo za ženske z izpodbijanjem dvojnih standardov in družbenih norm.


ALF Launches “Not Just Ticking Boxes” Campaign to advocate for women by challenging superficial narratives

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) is proud to announce the launch of its new campaign, “Not Just Ticking Boxes”, as a response to the Foundation’s collective request for a deeper, more genuine kind of women’s empowerment. It’s about moving past the surface to touch the very core of what it means to empower women.

The main aim of the campaign is to challenge the superficial narratives that often accompany discussions surrounding women’s issues, particularly on occasions such as International Women’s Day.

“Not Just Ticking Boxes” sheds light on how empowerment and inclusion are not just buzz words thrown in meetings or token gestures, but rather demand concrete, meaningful actions that bring real change. This involves ensuring real equality within your organisation, creating an environment where women can have a physical presence that’s on par with their male counterparts. It’s about accommodating the unique needs of working mothers, such as providing necessary childcare facilities, and ensuring that everyone’s voice, regardless of their gender, is heard and valued equally.

Follow #NotJustTickingBoxes campaign on social media platforms Facebook, Instagram as we advocate for women by challenging double standards and societal norms.