GWI praznuje 104 let obstoja

GWI, bivšo Mednarodno zvezo univerzitetnih žensk je leta 1919 ustanovila skupina vizionarskih izobraženk Caroline Spurgeon, profesorica Rose Sidgwick in dekanja Virginia Gildersleeve iz Velike Britanije, Kanade in Združenih držav Amerike. Njihov cilj je bil spodbuditi razumevanje in prijateljstvo med izobraženkami, da bi preprečili prihodnje katastrofe, kot je nedavno končana svetovna vojna. Njihova zapuščina navdihuje ženske, da sledijo svojim izobraževalnim željam na vseh ravneh, od srednješolskega do višjega in nadaljnjega izobraževanja. Ob svoji 104. obletnici se GWI pokloni svojim ustanoviteljicam, ki so se zavzemale za izobraževanje in krepitev vloge žensk. Danes na tisoče univerzitetnih izobraženk po vsem svetu nadaljuje s svojimi načeli in vizijo. Dr. Elizabeth M.E. Poskitt je v svojih arhivih ohranila zgodovino organizacije, kar je dokaz trajnega vpliva GWI. GWI vas vabi, da si preberete več o izjemni zgodovini zveze na spodnji povezavi.…/gwi-history-presentation/

International Federation of Women, now Graduate Women International, celebrates 104 years
In 1919, Dean Virginia Gildersleeve, Professor Rose Sidgwick and Caroline Spurgeon came together in London with university women from Great Britian, Canada, and the United States of America to establish the International Federation of University Women (IFUW, now Graduate Women International (GWI)). They were convinced that by fostering friendship and understanding, women graduates could help prevent another catastrophe such as the World War that had just ended. It was a historic moment that marked the beginning of a movement to empower women in higher education.

Today, we celebrate the 104th anniversary of GWI and honor the visionaries who founded this organization. Their legacy lives on, inspiring generations of women to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals.  More than a century later, and under the new name of Graduate Women International (GWI), thousands of women graduates throughout the world share the same principles and vision that inspired those early leaders. GWI continues to advocate in favour of secondary, higher, and continuing education for women all over the world.

Dr. Elizabeth M.E. Poskitt, a former president of GWI, has preserved the history of this remarkable organization in her archives, which can be accessed through the link provided HERE. Let us continue to build on the foundation laid by these trailblazers and work towards a future where every woman has the opportunity to excel in higher education.

500+Challenge: The Power of Many Empowering Education fundraiser
Education is the key to unlocking a brighter future for girls, women, communities, and nations. That’s why GWI invites you to join its 500+Challenge: The Power of Many Empowering Education fundraiser.  The fundraiser strives to rally the support of 500 compassionate individuals to make small, recurring donations to the GWI Girls Education for Brighter Futures Post-COVID-19 programme. For more than 100 years GWI and international network of graduate women have advocated for education rights and for the elimination of barriers to education for girls and lifelong learning for all women. Every contribution has the power to change lives. Whether it’s $5, $10, $20 per month your donation will directly support the GWI’s Girls Education for Brighter Futures Post-COVID-19 programme.  GWI invites you to visit the programme website HERE  to learn more about the programme attributes and join the 500+Challenge. Together, let’s empower girls, transform lives, and build a better world through education.